First-Round Remarks from Scott Brown (-4)
Q. I know it wasn't the finish you were hoping for, but still 4-under in the first round.
SCOTT BROWN: Yeah. Played good. Played good all day. Unfortunately last two weeks have been like this for me. Finishing at the Byron on 17 and 18 last week had it going, and same kind of thing like today. Hit a pretty good shot and just didn't get rewarded for it.
Hopefully I can get it back going tomorrow.
Q. It seemed like the wind changed quite a bit on the back nine.
Q. How different was it between the front and back nine?
SCOTT BROWN: Hard. That's why the last hole kind of caught us off guard. It kind flipped on us mid-swing there. Came off the left; it's been off the right all day.
It's going to be tough this afternoon because I know it's going to start blowing pretty hard.
Q. Looking at your ball-striking stats, you hit it really well today. Watching you earlier in the week you spent a lot of time focusing on your putting. Is that the focus on a golf course like this?
SCOTT BROWN: I felt like the wind, with the way it was going to be this week, it was going to be more like a scrambling contest. Just felt like some guys were going to miss some greens and you had to really kind of take advantage of your up and downs and probably have to make key putts to keep momentum going.
That's kind of where my focus was early in the week.
Q. Did you spend a little bit more time putting than you normally would?
SCOTT BROWN: Yeah, a little bit more time chipping and putting really.
Q. You said 17, 18 got and you this today; how do you get that out of your mind?
SCOTT BROWN: Just show up the next day and hope it's better. You know, unfortunately that's kind of what happens in this game. Won't be the last, but hopefully not one for a while.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2017-05-25 17:25:00 GMT